The AdGal

Welcome one and all to a blog that will forever change your life. Actually the truth is, this blog will not change your life forever, but it might spark your interest in the world of advertising. My name is Brittany Curran, and I am a sucker for advertising in more ways then one. Check out my blog and read some of my thoughts, opinions, and ideas on ads created and used all over the world.

Ps- Do not be scared to throw in your two cents. I love feedback, if you have any questions or concerns, drop me a post, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

My Business Card

My Business Card


Monday, January 10, 2011

Caring is Sharing but Nobody Cares About You...

“I”, “Me”, “My”, Oh Me Oh My. To be Frank this post is going to be short and simple because the title puts it all into perspective. Majority of people do not want to read a novel about you. Maybe if you’re famous then that might be different, but if you’re reading this blog chances are your not. No hard feelings? It’s that simple. Nobody cares other than “your Momma” figures.

You get bored. I get bored. When you read something for entertainment or enjoyment you don't want to hear that “studies have shown that peoples attentions spans are at an all time low. According to Brittany Curran a sexy single gal with a lot of bite, “I don't give a flying….. ”. Yeah, maybe it’s true, maybe its not. But what do yeah do about it?

I’m guilty of talking about myself, and saying what I think because personally I rock my world and like to hear myself talk. That's why I have a blog. All “I” can say is keep it short and to the point. It can be more powerful/meaningful and interesting that way.

Well now that you know that nobody likes you and that everybody hates you, how about we go eat some worms?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe I'm just weird but I would definitly read a novel that's about you lol
