The AdGal

Welcome one and all to a blog that will forever change your life. Actually the truth is, this blog will not change your life forever, but it might spark your interest in the world of advertising. My name is Brittany Curran, and I am a sucker for advertising in more ways then one. Check out my blog and read some of my thoughts, opinions, and ideas on ads created and used all over the world.

Ps- Do not be scared to throw in your two cents. I love feedback, if you have any questions or concerns, drop me a post, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

My Business Card

My Business Card


Monday, March 29, 2010

Marvelous Menstruating Mondays...

Why are tampon ads so ridiculous?

I ask myself this question every time I watch a completely unrealistic tampon commercial, and apparently so does UbyKotex. Their beyond brilliant, television advertisement above, seriously deserves a round of applause. Its so refreshing seeing a brand such as this, coming up with a humorous and clever ad that uses sarcastic humor to reach consumers. I truly believe that the most effective ads are the ones that are somewhat truthful and honest. A perfect example of a powerful and fearfully honest media campaign is the Montana Meth Project. This organization has created some of the most scary, sad, and brutally honest television ads I have ever seen. They use fear and emotion to reach an audience, and achieve impact. One hard-hitting t.v. ad that they use that gives me goose bumps every time I watch it, is the " Just Once" ad seen below.

Not only do these ad campaigns speak the truth, but they are effective at getting their message out to their intended target audience. They grab your attention right from the beginning and hold onto it until the very end of the ad. They use humorous and fearful sarcasm to get their message out to consumers. Not only is this pardon my french "ballsy" but it is creative and out of the box.

The truth works. Period.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Aww… The Beauty Of Time Management!

Hello, Everyone! When I say everyone I mean to those who read my unfulfilling, unfortunate, “I cant believe I just wasted my time reading this”, blog. So basically Hi Mom! I know, I know, I am guilty of being a sexy chick. But that's beside the point I apologize for not posting frequently. I am going to try and work on that. But you see Brittany Curran is one of those girls that do not know how to time manage. She also needs to get her life together and will be working on that ASAP. There is no excuse for not posting, so everyone (Mom), I am going to “TRY” and start posting every week! Now I know your all jumping for joy right now…. not really but that's ok! I am going to spice things up a bit and be a little crazy by,

One: posting once a week.

Two: changing things up every month by posting on certain days of the week. For example I will post once a week and it will be every Monday or Friday. So Manic Mondays, or Frequent Fridays will be when I post within that month.

Three: exploring and posting about experimental marketing/advertising, different ways companies and businesses advertise their products, and so on…

So yes, just a heads up! Get ready for your mind to be blown!